Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baixada de Sant Miquel

Nice, narrow, dirty little street that goes from Plaça Reial to Carrer Ferran.

- cameraphone upload by ShoZu
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Saturday, October 18, 2008



The age of the buildings in this zenital shot is more than a thousand years apart, yet they seem to match each other like an inverse of a Chillida's sculpture.


L'edat dels edificis en aquest imatge zenital està separada per més d'un miler d'anys de diferència, però interaccionen els uns amb els altres com un invers d'una escultura de Chillida.


La edad de los edificios en este imagen cenital está separada por más de un millar de años de diferencia, pero interaccionan unos con otros como un inverso de una escultura de Chillida.

(translated from English by Google Translator)

- cameraphone upload by ShoZu
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Friday, October 17, 2008

The soul

The soul of man is immortal and imperishable.

Plato, The Republic

- cameraphone upload by ShoZu
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Homeward bound

The eyes are more exact witnesses than the ears.


- cameraphone upload by ShoZu
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thiker 2.0

- cameraphone upload by ShoZu
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The thinker

- cameraphone upload by ShoZu
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008


- cameraphone upload by ShoZu
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Monday, October 13, 2008

Black singer

- cameraphone upload by ShoZu

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Spain's sound financial future


Català: crisis? quina crisis? A l'Estat Espanyol ja hem reinventat el sistema financer per adaptar-lo a la nova conjuntura. Tanquem portes i que soni la música! El primer a afegir-se ha estat el mateix Banco de España.

Post-processat: la complexitat de la foto radica en fusionar varies imatges donat que la lens que portava no permetia mostrar el rètol del Banco de España i els músics de Barrio Candela. Afortunadament, el Potoshop CS3 ho permet fer bastant fàcilment. Tot i així, m'han quedat alguns nyaps.

P.S.: podeu criticar tot el que vulgueu, no m'enfadaré pas i, fins i tot, us podria arribar a fer cas, qui sap ... :-)

English: crisis?, what crisis?. The Spanish Kingdom has reinvented the financial system to adapt it to the new world scenario. Just close dors and let the music sound! The first bank to follow this moto has been the Banco de España (Spanish Central Bank).

Post-processing: the difficult part in this shot has been combining several shots in one because the lens I was carrying wasn't wide enought. Thanks to Potoshop CS3, the task has been quite easy. Nevertheless, there are still some technical imperfections in the shot.

P.S.: feel free to critizise as much as you like, I won't get angry and I might even follow some of your recommendations, who knows ... :-)

- cameraphone upload by ShoZu